Dog Day Afternoon is an incredibly daring film of two guys who go to rob a bank to pay for a lover's sex change operation. However, things don't go smoothly and they get stuck in the bank and all of a sudden its a hostage negotiation and a media circus.
To make a movie with those kind of homosexual themes and to star one of the most well known actors (Pacino) and directors (Sydney Lumet) is mind blowing for 1975. I don't even think you'd see that kind of risk taking today (certainly not in mainstream films).
Needless to Pacino IS Dog Day Afternoon. He is just simply a force. Your eyes are automatically glued to him in every single scene.
The scene above is the film's most recognizable. You can see how much Pacino commits and the amazing thing is the crowd roots for him. It really captures the mood and atmosphere of the 70s.
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