Friday, April 11, 2008

Annie Hall - Waiting in Line Scene

If you're into New York humor, I don't think it gets better than Woody Allen, and Annie Hall is his finest work.

They are the typical "opposites attract" couple. She grew up in the Midwest and is a bit naive. He is a hardened New yorker who has a cynical outlook on life.

But the movie is far more than just a "romantic comedy". It really delves into the neurotic nature of not just relationships, but being a human being in society. Allen tackles issues such sex, drugs, politics, and social issues from the 1970s with great comedic subtlety.

Allen has done a great variety of films from the comedy to drama range. He's done the incredibly no-holds-barred throw everything at the kichen sink comedies like Bananas to the mature dramas of Husbands and Wives & Match Point.

Annie Hall is the only film that encompasses everything that you liked in all of Woody Allen's film. All the different scopes of genres of Woody Allen films were put together in Annie Hall with flawless charm.

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