Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fargo - "End of Story" scene

Fargo is another in the long line of classics from The Coen Brothers. I have never been to the upper midwest of the United States, but I felt as if I had after seeing Fargo.

Everyone speaks in a charming, pronounced accent. You can tell nothing gets them really riled up. There haven't been too many films where the story revolves around the Minnessotians-Dakotans people. But it goes to show a good story is a good story, irregardless of location. Especially when that script was written by Joel and Ethan Coen.

I think the truly genius aspect of the film is the dichotomy of the 2 criminals (played by Peter Stormare and Steve Buscemi) in this very value-oriented town. Here are these dirty gregarious people in the middle of a "Leave it to Beaver" town. Its hilarious. Fargo is the kind of place that nobody even curses. Instead throwing some F-bombs, people would say "oh, for pete's sake".

There may be, arguably, better scenes in the film than the one shown above, but I believe there is nothing that captures the setting quite like it. I just love how insanely polite they are to one another. Voices stay in the same monotone volume. Nobody raises the voice.

The line that always gets me is when he says "end of story". Its like, he's the guy from Dragnet (Just the facts). There is no embellishment. He's there to let you know what happened and that's that! "End of story", priceless!

1 comment:

aZkii said...

Awesome. I agree. End of story