Monday, April 14, 2008

Rocky - The Philadelphia Steps

Rocky is the reason that people go to the movies. We all want to be taken away out of our daily lives and see something inspiring.

I wasn't even alive when the original Rocky came out but from what I heard going to see it in the movie theaters was like a religious experience. Towards the end of the movie, people went crazy cheering, like it was a real boxing match.

Now, I've never had the pleasure of actually seeing Rocky in a movie theater full of people, but I can say this: Every single time I've watched it, I'm always uplifted. I can't even count how many times I've seen the movie it always has the same effect.

Rocky is the piece of Americana that we want to believe in. Its the story where the little guy actually has a shot.

No scene is more classic than the training montage where he finishes going up the famous Philadelphia steps. The moment you hear those horns enter, your blood instantly starts to flow. You feel like going to your local gym to take boxing lessons. Rocky is the reason why movies were created.

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