Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mulholland Drive - "Llorando" Theatre Scene

Before seeing Mulholland Drive, I always just thought of David Lynch as making these movies that are impossible to follow. If I am to be perfectly honest, I always thought they were really pretentious.

After seeing Mulholland Drive, all of that changed. I am now a huge David Lynch fan.

I can't even explain what Mulholland Drive is about, all I know is that I couldn't take my eyes off of the movie.

Sometimes, I believe people have to "get it" before they can like a film. I used to be one of these kind of people. But after watching Mulholland Drive 3 times now, I still don't know how to right a synopsis on it. I still don't know how to explain the movie to other people.

I think that's why I especially love the movie. It feels like its "my movie", I see something really amazing about a film that if you grabbed the average person off the street and told him to watch it, they would shut it off after 15 minutes. It feels like my own hidden secret.

Mulholland Drive is so incredibly surreal and moody. Its immaculately shot and pictured.

I also felt incredibly paranoid after the ending of the film. To be honest, I watched a film since Psycho that let me in such a paranoid state after it was over. If you can watch a movie and be that completely engaged and it creates that kind of emotion form you, then you know you've seen something special.

The last thing you want to do while watching a movie is be looking at you're watch or thinking about errands you have to run. I can safely say that did not happen to me while I was watching Mulholland Drive.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Hey there --

I'm looking for a recommendation of a famous movie scene to recreate for a fundraising function. A friend and I were going to do the famous "When Harry Met Sally" scene but are reconsidering because it's a pretty conservative audience. Do you have any recommendations for good movie scenes featuring one male/one female? Comedies are preferred but we're sort of just struggling for ideas right now . . .

Thanks! My email is